Monday, December 31, 2007

A Happy New Year

Here on the cusp of a New Year, I've noticed that most bloggers have come up with some kind of round up or resolution for 2007/08. Lacking enough posts for a round up, I figure I should write some resolution type things...

1. Write in this blog more often. And the other one too. I'm not just gonna write in here when I feel like absolute shit either! I will do more than just vent.
2. Be more active on campus. No more going to class and then coming strait home, it's time to go to the gym after or the racket ball court, or anything!
3. Make an effort to meet people. This sounds lame, but I think I actually avoid meeting new people because of a number of stupid reasons.
4. Get a job! And pay off my debt, and buy some new clothes, and save up for next year, and, and, and...
5. Stop moping about living at home. This one will be the challenge I think because sometimes I feel like I am actually going insane living here. But I will make an effort!

Ok, so, I figure that if I actually do 3/5 of these, I'll be set for a good start to 2008. Good foundations and all that...

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